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Wild West Painting Inc located in AZ

Wild West Painting Inc

9900 E Fort Lowell Rd
TucsonAZ  85749

(520) 668-8988

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Commercial and Residential
🔎 Painting and Wallcovering in Tucson, AZ 
About Wild West Painting Inc. Many painting companies in Tucson have made this claim. However, experience and quality honed over 25+ years of owning a repair and painting company are a good qualifier. To achieve this, you have to mess up along the way, try a few shortcuts, and make mistakes that cost money.
I’m long past that initiation.
That being said, I know what works and what doesn’t. That’s why we ONLY use Dunn-Edwards’ EVERSHIELD® for exterior painting and SUPREMA® for interior painting. These are the best products on the market today. I can say that because I’ve used the competitors’ products over the years and have seen them deteriorate in the Tucson climate.
As far as my team, I keep and manage 4 full-time Journeyman Painters on my staff and have found great success in smaller paint crews as opposed to a mass effort. The reason is… a project that runs at a moderate pace is a thorough one.
They drive my immaculate vehicles, use my equipment, and have excellent communication skills.
That’s it in a nutshell, but there is a lot more to tell. Please contact me personally and we can discuss your upcoming painting and repair project.

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