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Wellis located in CA


12300 Crosthwaite Circle
PowayCA  92064

(888) 493-5547

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🔎 Electrical in Poway, CA 
If you're looking for a less complicated and affordable home purification system, then the new (OH) disinfection technology by Wellis is the one for you. Wellis Air can eradicate viruses and germs from the air and indoor surfaces, which makes it perfect for both home and business use. What makes it even better is that it works using a completely natural process.

The ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun mix with the moisture in the air to produce hydroxyls that are our nature’s cleaning agents. This process is imitated by Wellis Air by continuously releasing hydroxyls indoors killing germs and viruses that can be detrimental to your health. If you’re interested to know more, visit
Wellis Air Disinfection Purifier, home air filtration, air purification, indoor air quality, OH disinfection unit Customer Reviews for Wellis