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Oriental Rugs Carpets located in MA

Oriental Rugs Carpets

24 Damrell St
BostonMA  02127

(857) 346-0375

Share Oriental Rugs Carpets

Oriental rugs are rugs that come from the Orient – the part of the world comprising anything that belongs to the Eastern world in relation to Europe (the Occident). This includes the Near, Middle and Far East but, in the colloquial meaning of the term – also northern Africa. Oriental rugs constitute probably the largest family of floor coverings in the whole world, consisting of Turkish rugs, Chinese Rugs, Moroccan Rugs, Indian Rugs, and, of course, Persian rugs which come strictly from the territory of ancient Iran.
We know everything about old oriental rugs, and we want to share our expertise on oriental rug styles, their history, characteristics, as well as answer any questions and doubts you might have with regard to antique Persian rugs for sale. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact via telephone: 857-346-0375.
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