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Glatz Group located in TX

Glatz Group

2101 S Cynthia St Ste A
McallenTX  78503

(855) 647-4687

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Our expert pediatric otolaryngologist, nurses, technicians and medical team provide family-centered care for you and your family. We also offer Balloon Sinuplasty, so sinus suffers can get relief from addictive nasal sprays, the daily use of antihistamines and that constant congestion. This procedure is minimally invasive, takes less than an hour, and can have you breathing free the very same day.
Dr. Glatz is a vital part of the healthcare system in our area, serving patients throughout the Rio Grande Valley at the Valley Ear, Nose and Throat clinics in McAllen, Weslaco and Harlingen. He is a leader in advanced sinus procedures and was among the first ENT’s to begin using cutting edge technology for the office-based procedure known as balloon sinuplasty. Dr. Glatz has performed countless cases for outstanding results that last longer than his competition. Customer Reviews for Glatz Group