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Gilbert Stem Cell Therapy located in AZ

Gilbert Stem Cell Therapy

2451 E Baseline Rd 100
GilbertAZ  85234

(480) 304-5152

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The highly experienced and passionate holistic health care practitioners at Wellness 1st Integrative Medical Center help men and women in and around Gilbert,AZ deal with a wide range of health problems and concerns. Some of the many issues that the Wellness 1st team treats include autoimmune diseases, diabetes, arthritis, chronic pain and much more. Relieving symptoms through medication is only a quick fix and it can be particularly bad because overall health could deteriorate markedly while masking symptoms. Caregivers do a full analysis of each patient and then create an effective integrative medicine plan that includes cutting-edge natural therapies to solve problems rather than just treating them in the short term. Customer Reviews for Gilbert Stem Cell Therapy