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Chicago Dui Experts located in IL

Chicago DUI Experts

22 W Washington St
ChicagoIL  60602

(888) 828-2305

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Chicago DUI Lawyer will use all his skills as well as resources to help minimize all possible damage a DUI will surely make in your life. In fact, the city of Chicago has very strict laws against drivers, who get behind the wheel while under influence of alcohol or an illegal substance.
Moreover, several years ago, Chicago Police Department implemented “zero tolerance policy” for drunk drivers. In order to maintain safety on the road, Chicago Police Department now charges not only the drivers with Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of .08%, which would be considered as DUI, but also with a BAC between 0.05% and 0.07%, which would be considered as a driving with an impaired ability, or Wet Reckless. In addition, there also is a third category called an Aggressive DUI, for those drivers, whose Blood Alcohol Content, correspondingly, is 0.17% and above. Customer Reviews for Chicago DUI Experts