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Baikal Mechanical located in NY

Baikal Mechanical

BrooklynNY  11232
(646) 888-4325

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Baikal Mechanical is a company of innovators, thinkers, creators, explorers, and experts at mastering complexity. They combined a rich heritage of 50 years of experience in commercial, institutional, and industrial HVAC markets. The success of the company is based on customers’ satisfaction through solid product engineering, excellent design, and service follow-through both during and after installation. The company sees its mission in creating special value for their customers to deliver the desired outcome through excellent project solutions and stunning client expertise.
Baikal Mechanical was founded by three brothers in 2015. The company was born out of the necessity for high-quality HVAC equipment that requires little to no maintenance. Too often, nice shiny new HVAC equipment is installed in a room or area that most people will never see. But in 6 months to a year, that same equipment is no longer shiny or new and requires someone to maintain it on weekly, monthly, quarterly, or biannually intervals. Customer Reviews for Baikal Mechanical