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Ats Attic Cleaning Services located in CA

ATS Attic Cleaning Services

211 Columbine Ave
Fountain ValleyCA  92708

(800) 667-7611

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ATS Attic Cleaning Service offers a complete resolution to your rodent and wildlife troubles. We employ a team of specialists that know and understand how to control rats, rodents, raccoons, opossums, skunks, birds, and all other wildlife that have trespassed into your home.

Rats and rodents are one of the foulest animals perceived to humankind. Rodents are due to their small size; they are very sneaky and can access a home that is not sufficiently sealed or have a lot of entry points that they can reach. Once in your home, these nuisances usually lead
their way toward the attic where they are protected and secure from unwanted predators. Rat infested attics can lead to hazardous contamination of insulation from excretions and urination. It is essential that if rodents are residing in the attic to quickly take action to prevent any health dangers that they can bring into your residence.

An increase in new real estate construction has diminished living reservations for wildlife such as raccoons, opossums, birds, skunks, etc.. This has made these wild animals explore into cities as a place for a food source and new home. Sighting of raccoons or other wild animals was once rare in residential neighborhoods, but not anymore. To defend themselves, they often go into home attics or crawlspace as a place of protection. Often they will go into home attics to give birth to their babies and raise their young. Animals inhabiting in the attic can cause massive pollution and destruction if not attended to on time. It's best that when you suspect or are hearing loud noises coming from the ceiling to contact a professional to determine if you have an animal living in it.

To learn more about rodent and wildlife control and attic contamination clean up, call the experts at ATS Attic Cleaning Services at 800-667-7611.

Operating Hours:
M-Sat 7AM-8PM Sun: 8-1PM

Year Founded:

Number of Employees:
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