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Electrician Fort Lauderdale located in FL

Electrician Fort Lauderdale

2269 S University Dr 1119
Fort LauderdaleFL  33324

(195) 495-1523

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A good contractor will typically look the part. In other words, if he or she looks messy and disorganized, then it's probably indicative of the type of work he or she does. Someone who takes pride in their work usually takes pride in their appearance. Some contractors may argue this point, but remember we're talking generalities here and not the exceptions. He or she should have some type of company identification (even a shirt with a logo would do).
A good contractor will typically look the part. In other words, if he or she looks messy and disorganized, then it's probably indicative of the type of work he or she does. Someone who takes pride in their work usually takes pride in their appearance. Some contractors may argue this point, but remember we're talking generalities here and not the exceptions. He or she should have some type of company identification (even a shirt with a logo would do). Customer Reviews for Electrician Fort Lauderdale